Bloggers.. Mbarak 3laikom Elshahar
Kil 3am o ento b5air o yen3ad 3laina o 3alaikom enshallah o yej3alkom mn 9owamah o gowamah.
This is the first day of Ramadan.. The first day of fast.. No food eaten before sun set.. There is no breakfast anymore.. There is no lunch anymore.. I'm gana miss them, mmm ;p
This is the begining of the first day and i feel now hungry, thirsty and dizzy at the same time. Oh my God, coffee is calling me to drink.. And that crusty type of roll "Croissant" is teasing me to eat.. The hot weather is laughing at me coz i can't drink water during this sunny day.
Huhu.. Hot chocolate will not talk to me coz i can't drink him every morning.. Don't warry my "Favorite Drink" i promise you to drink you not now but after one month, eheh.
Anyway Bloggers, Taqabal Allah 6a3atkom Enshallah.