Excuse Me, Can I Borrow Yours?
This is a common polite request among people especially students.
I don't mind lending them my stuff ,but why if I lend them anything, they DO NOT return it back to me? Why do they take it as if they did not borrow it? I mean not all of them (7aram), but few of them do so.
Really.. I give them what they want even if I don't want to. Because, as I see it, it is immoral to tell them "No, I'm sorry; I can't lend you mine." And because I didn't use to say that not even know how to say it in a "subtle way", you know. I am sure that there are a lot who do as I do. But why do we keep lending this kind of people although we know that they borrowed something from us before and never returned it? Why can't we refuse lending them? Do we leave them take what they want from us while we ZIP our mouths and do nothing to it?! I just don't know why do I do this. Maybe you (READERS) know why?!!
You know what, I have lent 5 pens in one semester and never returned back to me, can you believe that!! And I couldn't tell them "I want my pen back" because I thought that one day they MAY remember by themselves and return my pens to me.
Ok, let's say I forgot to tell them to return my pens ,or they forgot to give them back to me, but the QUESTION is.. Can't they notice that these pens do not belong to them WHEN THEY PUT THEM IN THEIR HANDBAGS AND TAKE THEM OUT TO USE THEM AGAIN ?!!!! I'm really amazed by this kind of people. If I take my friend's pen or anything else from her, I return it to her at the same time. Unless I forgot to return it at the same time, I keep it till I see her and give it back to her.
Once I lent a friend of mine my book, and I expected her to return it, but she didn't and I even didn't ask her about it. AND IT'S JUST GONE.
Another friend asked me for an other book and I gave her. She gave it back to me, she didn't forget about it. But when she gave it to me, it was TORN and WITHOUT its cover. I was like "whaaaaat!!! Is this my book that I gave you last semester?!!! Maybe you're wrong because this is not mine!!!"

Whyyyyyyyyyyy???? What the hell is going on with these people???? I take good care of my books even my friends books that I borrow from them ,so why don't they take good care of mine too.
You know in my students group we have veeeery good relationships. & we lend each other any stuff whichs related to studies.
About pens... we give it each other & then even can't find out what & to whom it belongs.
But now I have one pen of my colleague. I know it's expenssive some. I'm keeping it in my bag. But when exams come... we forget about this pen as I don't use it. I think only after 2 weeks I will be able to give it back.
I think it's my mother's genes - I hate when people treat my books bad!
But now, thanks God, it does not happen to me.
But very often friends keep my books for a long long time. I'm not offended till they remember that it's mine! :)
Sever, at least you're planning to return the pen back, not like others who don't and forget evevn if they remember they don't retun what they take from other people ;)
yat 3ala el pen Oo book bas fee nas ta5eeth money oo ashkara ma teredhoom Oo te7e6 3ainha eb3aibich wala ka2anha shayfa shay @@
allah yahdy elkel n sha2llah ..;>
just SMILE 7abeebty...;>
I gave it back yesterda ;-)
there is nothing wrong about asking for your stuff back ... i stopped giving DVDs, i collect DVDs, out looong time ago for that specific reason
OoOo 3ad hatha koom thany.
madry 9ij yenson wella yetnason?!!
ee walla allah yahdeena o yahdeehom.
Thank you 7abebty for the nice comment. glad to see you comment here again. and don't worry i'll visit your blog enshallah, so see you there.
GOOOOOD GIRRRRRL. proud of you sis ^_^
Yeah, the problem is not about people who ask for something, but the problem is about people who don't return our stuff back when they borrow them.
A7san zain etsawy wallah li2na etha ra7 elshay minna o ma rid nit7asaf.
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