Do You Have Phobia? Why? Is it because you had bad experiences?
Let's call it a "TAAAAG" for all of you who visit my blog. Well, take a deep breath and read about your phobia. Don't tell me that you don't have phobia toward something because i've said that before, but then I knew that even normal people have phobias.
Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing. [waiii3! 3ayal e3ashishoon]
Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching.
Acerophobia- Fear of sourness.
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. [I don't deny that I was so when I was a child]
Acousticophobia- Fear of noise.
Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances.
Aeronausiphobia- Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness.
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. [Yeah, insane people scare me to death]
Agliophobia- Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild animals. [of course, we all do!]
Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street.
Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects. [eEeEe! ;p]
Ailurophobia- Fear of cats. [especially, who stares and never moves!]
Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic. [Garlic! What to do with it?]
Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions.
Altophobia- Fear of heights.
Amathophobia- Fear of dust.
Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car.
Ambulophobia- Fear of walking. [Walking! Will I have to sit down all the time if I have that phobia, huh!]
Amnesiphobia- Fear of amnesia.
Amychophobia- Fear of scratches or being scratched.
Anablephobia- Fear of looking up. [Yes, If it causes dizziness!]
Androphobia- Fear of men. [Why? Are they bogeymen or what?]
Anemophobia- Fear of air drafts or wind.
Anginophobia- Fear of angina, choking or narrowness.
Anglophobia- Fear of England or English culture, etc.
Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry. [I hate my self when I get angry! It's not fear!]
Anthrophobia or Anthophobia- Fear of flowers. [This is just ridiculous!]
Antlophobia- Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single. [aha! T5af et3annis ya3ny!]
Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity.
Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched.
Apiphobia- Fear of bees. [yes!]
Apotemnophobia- Fear of persons with amputations.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. [So what!]
Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. [especially, big ones!]
Arithmophobia- Fear of numbers. [Numbers!! O_ô!]
Arsonphobia- Fear of fire.
Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting or weakness.
Astrophobia- Fear of stars or celestial space.
Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things.
Ataxophobia- Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection.
Atephobia- Fear of ruin or ruins.
Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.
Atomosophobia- Fear of atomic explosions.
Atychiphobia- Fear of failure. [Yes yes yes!]
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.
Aurophobia- Fear of gold. [Waaaay laa2 amlaq mn chithy mako!]
Auroraphobia- Fear of Northern lights.
Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a vile odor.
Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being. [well, maybe!]
Automysophobia- Fear of being dirty.
Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself. [yeah, just forget about my nickname! in fact, I really do!]
Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying.
Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria and microbes.
Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets.
Barophobia- Fear of gravity. [then go to a planet where is no gravity!]
Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Bathophobia- Fear of depth.
Batophobia- Fear of heights or being close to high buildings.
Batrachophobia- Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc.
Belonephobia- Fear of pins and needles.
Bibliophobia- Fear of books. [WHAAAAAT!!! BOOKSSSSSS!!! Go to hell! Unless I hit you with it?] ;p
Blennophobia- Fear of slime. [Unless you see scary teeth!]
Bogyphobia- Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. [Myth! myth! myth!]
Botanophobia- Fear of plants. O_o!
Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia- Fear of body smells. [NO COMMENT!!]
Bufonophobia- Fear of toads.
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness. [eh!]
Cainophobia or Cainotophobia- Fear of newness, novelty.
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia- Fear of cancer. [A3ooth bellah]
Cardiophobia- Fear of the heart.
Carnophobia- Fear of meat. 8-/
Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed.
Catapedaphobia- Fear of jumping from high and low places.
Cenophobia or Centophobia- Fear of new things or ideas.
Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia- Fear of cold.
Chemophobia- Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals.
Cherophobia- Fear of gaiety.
Chionophobia- Fear of snow. [Huh!]
Chiraptophobia- Fear of being touched.
Chirophobia- Fear of hands.
Chorophobia- Fear of dancing. [doesn't make sense!]
Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia- Fear of money. [OHH! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY!]
Chromophobia or Chromatophobia- Fear of colors.
Chronophobia- Fear of time.
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks.
Cibophobia- Fear of food.
Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.
Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.
Cleptophobia- Fear of stealing.
Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed. [Mo lazim bed, sleep anywhere else! In the bathroom for example!]
Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia- Fear of being enclosed.
Cnidophobia- Fear of stings.
Cometophobia- Fear of comets.
Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries.
Consecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks.
Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. [LOL!]
Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost.
Crystallophobia- Fear of crystals or glass.
Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer. [I don't think so!]
Cyclophobia- Fear of bicycles.
Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions.
Cynophobia- Fear of dogs or rabies. [Yeah ;p]
Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.
Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions.
Defecaloesiophobia- Fear of painful bowels movements.
Deipnophobia- Fear of dining or dinner conversations.
Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons.
Demophobia- Fear of crowds.
Dendrophobia- Fear of trees. [oh really!!]
Dentophobia- Fear of dentists. [Yeah!]
Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia- Fear of skin disease.
Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body. X]
Diabetophobia- Fear of diabetes.
Dikephobia- Fear of justice. [Malaqa!]
Dinophobia- Fear of dizziness or whirlpools.
Diplophobia- Fear of double vision.
Dipsophobia- Fear of drinking. [it depends on what you're drinking! ALCOHOL mathalan!]
Dishabiliophobia- Fear of undressing in front of someone. [it's not fear, but it's kind of shyness!]
Domatophobia- Fear of houses or being in a house.
Doraphobia- Fear of fur or skins of animals.
Doxophobia- Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch.
Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity.
Dystychiphobia- Fear of accidents. [Almost all of us do!]
Ecclesiophobia- Fear of church.
Ecophobia- Fear of home surroundings.
Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. [maybe because you saw your face in it!]
Electrophobia- Fear of electricity.
Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom.
Enosiophobia or Enissophobia- Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.
Entomophobia- Fear of insects.
Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight.
Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers. [because they are trouble makers!]
Epistaxiophobia- Fear of nosebleeds.
Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge. [oh please!]
Equinophobia- Fear of horses.
Ereuthrophobia- Fear of blushing.
Ergasiophobia- 1) Fear of work or functioning. 2) Surgeon's fear of operating.
Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news. [well, rhey are good news not bad! So why?]
Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia- 1) Fear of redlights. 2) Blushing. 3) Red.
Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia- Fear of fever.
Francophobia- Fear of France or French culture.
Gamophobia- Fear of marriage. [fear of not lasting marriage? Yes!]
Geliophobia- Fear of laughter. [ No! Laughing is healthy]
Geniophobia- Fear of chins. X]
Genuphobia- Fear of knees. X]
Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges.
Germanophobia- Fear of Germany or German culture.
Gerontophobia- Fear of old people or of growing old. [Yes! Yes! Yes!]
Geumaphobia or Geumophobia- Fear of taste. X]
Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
Graphophobia- Fear of or handwriting.
Gynephobia or Gynophobia- Fear of women. [innocent us!] X-p
Hagiophobia- Fear of saints or holy things.
Hamartophobia- Fear of sinning.
Harpaxophobia- Fear of being robbed.
Hedonophobia- Fear of feeling pleasure. X]
Heliophobia- Fear of the sun. X]
Hellenologophobia- Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Helminthophobia- Fear of being infested with worms.
Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia- Fear of blood.
Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.
Heterophobia- Fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia) Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666. [because of the satan's birth!]
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words. [WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!]
Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars. [No!]
Hodophobia- Fear of road travel.
Hormephobia- Fear of shock.
Homichlophobia- Fear of fog.
Homilophobia- Fear of sermons.
Hominophobia- Fear of men.
Hydrophobia- Fear of water.
Hygrophobia- Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.
Hylephobia- Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.
Hylophobia- Fear of forests.
Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia- Fear of responsibility. [yeah, if it is a very big responsibility that I cannot handle!]
Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.
Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.
Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish.
Ideophobia- Fear of ideas.
Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down.
Judeophobia- Fear of Jews. [Why!]
Kainolophobia or Kainophobia- Fear of anything new, novelty.
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down. [So, keep standing up all day long!]
Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces.
Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear of movement or motion.
Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms.
Koniophobia- Fear of dust.
Kosmikophobia- Fear of cosmic phenomenon. [Yap!]
Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables. [Haaa! O_ô!]
Laliophobia or Lalophobia- Fear of speaking.
Leprophobia or Lepraphobia- Fear of leprosy.
Leukophobia- Fear of the color white. [what about black then!]
Levophobia- Fear of things to the left side of the body. X]
Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises.
Limnophobia- Fear of lakes. X]
Liticaphobia- Fear of lawsuits. [Laish! Shimsaween!]
Lyssophobia- Fear of becoming mad. [No!]
Macrophobia- Fear of long waits.
Mageirocophobia- Fear of cooking.
Mechanophobia- Fear of machines.
Megalophobia- Fear of large things.
Melanophobia- Fear of the color black. [Oh here it is!]
Meningitophobia- Fear of brain disease.
Merinthophobia- Fear of being bound or tied up.
Metallophobia- Fear of metal.
Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes.
Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors.
Metrophobia- Fear or hatred of poetry.
Microphobia- Fear of small things.
Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs. [aha!]
Mnemophobia- Fear of memories. [unless you have bad ones]
Monopathophobia- Fear of definite disease.
Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles. [Walking is healthier!] ;p
Mottephobia- Fear of moths.
Mycophobia- Fear or aversion to mushrooms.
Myrmecophobia- Fear of ants. [ bs el3aboo!]
Mythophobia- Fear of myths or stories or false statements.
Nebulaphobia- Fear of fog.
Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. [I don't deny that!]
Nephophobia- Fear of clouds.
Noctiphobia- Fear of the night.
Nomatophobia- Fear of names. [What's wrong with names!]
Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals.
Nostophobia- Fear of returning home. [upset not fear!]
Novercaphobia- Fear of your step-mother.
Nucleomituphobia- Fear of nuclear weapons.
Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight. [yeah!]
Ochophobia- Fear of vehicles.
Odontophobia- Fear of teeth or dental surgery.
Oenophobia- Fear of wines.
Olfactophobia- Fear of smells. [that's disgusting! Not fearing of!]
Ombrophobia- Fear of rain or of being rained on.
Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia- Fear of eyes. [ee 3n el3ain o el7asad!]
Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams. [yes, nightmares!]
Ornithophobia- Fear of birds.
Ostraconophobia- Fear of shellfish.
Pagophobia- Fear of ice or frost.
Panthophobia- Fear of suffering and disease.
Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything. [that person must die a7san!]
Papyrophobia- Fear of paper. X]
Patroiophobia- Fear of heredity. [5a9atan el'3aba2 elwirathy!]
Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.
Pedophobia- Fear of children. [7aram they are innocent creatures! Bs fee ba3a'9hom yananwa qe6a3!]
Peladophobia- Fear of bald people.
Peniaphobia- Fear of poverty.
Phagophobia- Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. [who will eat me ya3ny!]
Pharmacophobia- Fear of taking medicine. [well, if it was the wrong medicine, yes!]
Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love. [I don't know! I haven't been in love yet!]
Philosophobia- Fear of philosophy.
Phonophobia- Fear of noises or one's own voice. [el7emdillah wil shikr! Yannaw!]
Plutophobia- Fear of wealth.
Pneumatiphobia- Fear of spirits.
Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia- Fear of choking of being smothered.
Pogonophobia- Fear of beard. [It's disgusting when it becomes very long!]
Poinephobia- Fear of punishment. [unless you did something wrong!]
Potamophobia- Fear of rivers or running water.
Pharmacophobia- Fear of drugs.
Prosophobia- Fear of progress.
Psychophobia- Fear of mind.
Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers. [Not a fear! Bs yedaldiq!]
Radiophobia- Fear of radiation, x-rays.
Rhytiphobia- Fear of getting wrinkles. [fear of getting old ;p]
Russophobia- Fear of Russians.
Samhainophobia- Fear of Halloween.
Satanophobia- Fear of Satan. [ee! Elrajeem!]
Scelerophibia- Fear of bad men, burglars. [Yeah!]
Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows.
Scoleciphobia- Fear of worms. [it's not fear, but it's disgusting!]
Scolionophobia- Fear of school. [I admit it that when I was in kindergarten!]
Scopophobia or Scoptophobia- Fear of being seen or stared at.
Scotomaphobia- Fear of blindness in visual field.
Scriptophobia- Fear of writing in public.
Selachophobia- Fear of sharks. [No doubt!]
Selaphobia- Fear of light flashes.
Selenophobia- Fear of the moon. [Huh!]
Siderodromophobia- Fear of trains, railroads or train travel.
Siderophobia- Fear of stars. [Are they gana fall on your head or what!]
Sinistrophobia- Fear of things to the left or left-handed.
Sinophobia- Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture. [eh, yemkin mn 3yoonhom elsh5oo6!] =__=
Sitophobia or Sitiophobia- Fear of food or eating. [You must be skinny then!]
Snakephobia- Fear of snakes. [Yessss, and with no doubt!]
Soceraphobia- Fear of parents-in-law.
Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.
Sociophobia- Fear of society or people in general. [Are they gana bite you!]
Somniphobia- Fear of sleep. [Keep your eyes open then!]O_o!
Sophophobia- Fear of learning. [huh! Learning what exactly!]
Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others.
Spacephobia- Fear of outer space.
Spectrophobia- Fear of specters or ghosts. [I haven't seen one yet to fear of!]
Spermatophobia or Spermophobia- Fear of germs.
Spheksophobia- Fear of wasps. [Yap!]
Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking. [Unless you're yahel tawa yamshy!]
Stenophobia- Fear of narrow things or places.
Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia- Fear of hell. [all Muslims do!]
Suriphobia- Fear of mice. [a9lan it goes without saying!]
Syngenesophobia- Fear of relatives. [they are my family; the nearest people! I shouldn't be!]
Tachophobia- Fear of speed. [yes,most of us do afraid!]
Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms.
Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.
Tapinophobia- Fear of being contagious.
Taurophobia- Fear of bulls. [oh yeah, I really do!]
Technophobia- Fear of technology.
Teleophobia- 1) Fear of definite plans. 2) Religious ceremony.
Telephonophobia- Fear of telephones. [a7san etwafer mobaylat!]
Testophobia- Fear of taking tests. [I totally agree with that]
Teutophobia- Fear of German or German things. [ma'3shosheen ya3ny!]
Thalassophobia- Fear of the sea. [I just like looking at it but not going into it!]
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death or dying. [definitely!]
Theatrophobia- Fear of theatres.
Theologicophobia- Fear of theology.
Theophobia- Fear of gods or religion.
Thermophobia- Fear of heat.
Tocophobia- Fear of pregnancy or childbirth. [I don't know I haven't tried that yet!]
Tomophobia- Fear of surgical operations. [who doesn't fear of that ya3ny!]
Tonitrophobia- Fear of thunder. [that's me!]
Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia- Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned. [especially, from envious people]
Traumatophobia- Fear of injury.
Tremophobia- Fear of trembling.
Trichinophobia- Fear of trichinosis.
Triskaidekaphobia- Fear of the number 13.
Trypanophobia- Fear of injections. [Me too!]
Tuberculophobia- Fear of tuberculosis.
Tyrannophobia- Fear of tyrants.
Uranophobia or Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven. [ma 3indihom salfa!]
Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating. [Maybe your mammy used to punish you when do it on your bed!]
Vaccinophobia- Fear of vaccination.
Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women.
Verbophobia- Fear of words. [it depends on the word!]
Vestiphobia- Fear of clothing. [oh, will you stay NAKED all the time ya3ny!!]
Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father.
Wiccaphobia- Fear of witches and witchcraft. [yeah, me too!]
Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. [3ayal akeeeeeed mo qadsawy!]
Xenoglossophobia- Fear of foreign languages.
Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners.
Xerophobia- Fear of dryness. O_ô!!
Xylophobia- 1) Fear of wooden objects. 2) Forests.
Xyrophobia- Fear of razors.
Zelophobia- Fear of jealousy.
Zeusophobia- Fear of God or Gods.
Zoophobia- Fear of animals.
SO, do you still insist you don't have phobia? ;p
I didn't find mine!
Fear of dogs :P Doggyphobia i guess!
What's urs?
O ya36ech el 3afya! Shaklech ta3abtay o enty etlawneeen ;)
LOOOOOOL "Doggyphobia"!! Hatha no3 yedeed mn elphobia? ;pP
Allah ye3afeek Zizo. Ee wallah ta3abt. Ga3at 3alaih akthar mn sa3ah yallah yaaallah 5ala9ta.
My phobias are in the post. I've choosen them. Seems you didn't read all the post.
I know I don't blame you coz it's VERY long post. But I really appreciate your comment.
Anyway, these are some of them.
Cynophobia- Fear of dogs or rabies. Zizo this is your phobia and mine also ;p
I also fear of driving car although I drive it for 4 years but I always imagin my self in a fatal car accident [a3oth bellah].
Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying. ee a5af mn el plane when it taking off and landing.
hey, welcome to my blog.
No! No! No! That's not ashamed at all. You know what, let me just tell you what exactly I fear of and maybe it'll be YOUR TURN to laugh at me. Look. I still fear of taking a bath under the upper "Douche" can you believe that! I use the lower one instead.
Sounds funny and embarrassing? I know. ;p
Thank you and see you commenting here again. =]
Ma garaita kela bs marait 3alaihom kelhom bs el thaher eny e7walait men ketherhom! hehehe
Cynophobia... I won't forget it 4 sure ;)
eheheh, o ana b3d lmma g3at alawena. ;]
3fya 3la elsha6r, enta waladon momtaaaaz. ;p
Thank you Zizo for commenting again.
I dont think I have a phobia, but that doesn't mean i'm not afraid of anything...:P
aham shay fee Auroraphobia: Fear of Northern lights ;)
Ya! i know that, but at least one phobia may9eer 3ad :pPp
It's good that you have this phobia named after your nick ;)
I'm afraid to read all this to find a phobia for me -> I'm afraid to have a phobia -> it's a new phobia, right? ;-)
A dear friend of mine is gynophobic. He's a guy.
eheh, yeah Sever, it's aAfraidaphobid ;p
Gynophobic!! LOL.
welcome Fedo to my blog.
Agliophobia- Fear of pain
this my phobia
Oh! =]
you're very welcome.
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Hehehe i really liked you'r phobia thingie . I mean i've realized that am sooo phobian :D specially the "Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia- Fear of body smells." and the bogy thing :( As i begin to read them aslan bkhaaf . LOL
Y36iiki alf 3afyee yarab it was really very nice reading your post.
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