When You Know You Are RIDICULOUS!!
When You Know You Are RIDICULOUS...
Sometimes you act strangely or childishly, I mean behaving like a little child w
ithout you realizing what you are doing or saying. Sometimes you behave in a silly way that makes you seem younger than you really are. In some of your situations, you act UNCONSCIOUSLY or say something before you even think about, and then you realize that you are ridiculous because of what you did or said. Sometimes you know what you are doing or saying ,and you are aware of the sequences. But, when you think deeply about it, you REGRET for doing it, for saying something (that you did not mean to say or mention) , for acting differently, or for taking certain decision ;for example. And by that, you may give the person that you are talking to some sort of negative impressions about you although you are a good person, and this is the PROBLEM.

What are you going to do in order to correct what you've done?
How do you even tell them that you did not mean doing this or saying that?
If someone told you or did something to you (let me say.. not in a good way like you expected him/her to talk to you or treat you well) will you take negative impression(s) about him/her?
To be honest.. I've been done and said a lot of things that I regret for everytime I think bout :/
sometimes you shouldnt regret what u did.....but make sure u dont do it again....
nice post :)
Usually that behaviour wouldn't be taken seriously so it's not so bad :)
Yeah, I'll do my best not to do them again, but what if I did it by mistake; you know we're not angels?
thank you anyway and welcome to my blog.
Do visit me again =]
Oh 3baid I really hope so.
Thank you =]
so big question :-/
Solo, it depends... it depends on what is that person who said something to me... who is he/she for me... where it happened... who was there... how often it happens... how long time I know him/her...
See, very difficult question.
But really, if you do it not too often & you are able to say "sorry", then it must be ok, friend! :)
who doesn't have similar stuff like your's?
Shame on u! lool :p Kidding... Don't worry u just need to apoligize for what u did in your past and enshalah they'll forgive u directly if they know u didn't mean that ;)
Everyone has those moments Solo...
its only natural...you just need to apologize and iif it happens more often you should explain to the person that it happens quickly and without prior warning...I'm sure they'll understand :)
I'm so sorry if my questions were not clear, but I really don't know how to make them clearer.. maybe they are difficult question to answer, but I think you got what I meant =]
thanks sever.
eh, Zizo!
Allah yesma3 mnik inshallah.
Thanks Zizo =]
yeah, I know, but I still feel embarrassed and ridiculous even if they understood that and forgave me.
Thanks aurora =]
طبعا مادري شالسالفه بس ببتسم
يا هلا ويا مرحبا والله بعتوج
كافي هالطله وهالابتسامه يسوون عندي الدنيا ومافيها
عساج دوووووم مبتسمه مو بس اليوم
we learn from our mistakes ..
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