Naughty Abood
"Abood" is my youngest nephew. He's only 7 months and I become a babysitter for him when I don't have lectures. He drives me crazy every time my sister leaves him with me. I have to sit with him coz I'm his auntie. So, my sister brings him to our house everyday before she goes to her work. It's not a big deal for me to take care of a little baby since I adore babies. But the problem is that he is VERY NOISY. He is a crier. He cries loudly and screams in my ear (since he sleeps on my bed), when he is hungry or needs to change his diaper. I'm being deaf because of him. We all know that babies move their hands randomly and pull anything they touche near them. Once, he hit my face with his little hand and pulled my hair very hardly; I barely opened his hand to free my hair. Ouch! That really hurts! Just imagine me being with him fighting at 7:00 am and doesn't let me sleep. Poor mothers! How can they stand their naughty babies!
Here what happens to "Abood's babysitter":
- From 7:00 to 7:30 am: fighting with him to sleep.
- At 7:45 am: he sleeps and I don't. My eyes wide open; trying to sleep but can't :''(
- At 9:00 sometimes 9:30 am: he wakes up; hungry. I change his diaper and give him some milk (feeding bottle of couse) then he sleeps.
- At 10:45 am: he wakes up and cries. I give him a bear to shush him saying "I want to sleep. SHUUUUUT UUUP . . . . . PLEASE!" ;p
- At 11:00 am: I change his diaper again, take him a bath, and wear him clean clothes.
- At 11:30 am: I feed him again since babies drink milk every 2 hours; I memorized it wallah, eheh. He sleeps again.
Two days ago, when he woke up and after he drank his milk, I put him in his walker. He threw up. I changed his entire clothes. few minutes later, he threw up again. "OFFFF! I've just changed your clothes! What's wrong with you" Then, I heard him producing a sound of .. .. .. .. (>_<)?!. I knew i need to change his diaper. Half an hour, he produced that sound again and I cried "OH! NOOO! PLEASE, NOT AGAIN." My mother said "what if he was your son, what would you do?" I replied with a big grin "I'll let you take care of him."
Here what happens to "Abood's babysitter":
- From 7:00 to 7:30 am: fighting with him to sleep.
- At 7:45 am: he sleeps and I don't. My eyes wide open; trying to sleep but can't :''(
- At 9:00 sometimes 9:30 am: he wakes up; hungry. I change his diaper and give him some milk (feeding bottle of couse) then he sleeps.
- At 10:45 am: he wakes up and cries. I give him a bear to shush him saying "I want to sleep. SHUUUUUT UUUP . . . . . PLEASE!" ;p
- At 11:00 am: I change his diaper again, take him a bath, and wear him clean clothes.
- At 11:30 am: I feed him again since babies drink milk every 2 hours; I memorized it wallah, eheh. He sleeps again.
Two days ago, when he woke up and after he drank his milk, I put him in his walker. He threw up. I changed his entire clothes. few minutes later, he threw up again. "OFFFF! I've just changed your clothes! What's wrong with you" Then, I heard him producing a sound of .. .. .. .. (>_<)?!. I knew i need to change his diaper. Half an hour, he produced that sound again and I cried "OH! NOOO! PLEASE, NOT AGAIN." My mother said "what if he was your son, what would you do?" I replied with a big grin "I'll let you take care of him."

mashalla, alla y5aleeh lkom inshalla
wala u sound like a mother ... see this might be a good thing for future purposes heehheeh
ya7lilah oo allah yi'7ali likom
hi solo mashallah allah ye5alleh
7abebty what do you think of babies! it's not easy to be amother..all babies r Naughties and as ALI said it's good thing for ur future 2>>>enshallah
cute 3boody mashallah
Best greetings
taking care of babies can be a real hassel
ya36eech el3afya sweety
oo allah ykhaleeh lekom
waaaaay salem kalba so cute..solo 7ram 3leeech wallah eyanen esm allah 3leeeh...ytrba eb3zkom inshallah...:)
I really don't have any illusion of being mother.
I don't love little children. When they become more big, then ok.
& also when they are your own kids, it's kinda ok, too. But I would not like to take care of the kids if my sister, for example.
Also I feel very uncomfortable with the thought of having a son. I truly will be disappointed. I want girls only!
Good luck, poor SOLO :)
tislemeen 7abebty o ma ga9rty. Welcome Blasha and come again =D
Oooh yeah! bil27ra a poor mother ;p
tislm Ali and thank you for your usual visit =]
Heey 7abebty SOKKARAH! moshkoorah o ma ga9rty o ya3ally ashoof 3yalich enty b3d =D
Well, babies are wonderful creatures that we cannot live without them although they're noisy ;p. They are the source of our joy. Just by looking at them you feel pleased and specially when they look at you in the eye and try to attract your attention by screaming or moving their hands randomly so they can let you talk to them or even play with them. How nice to enter their innocent world and leave our concerns behind. It’s the world that doesn’t know grudge or hatred. It’s pure as water. I wish that I can go back to it again at least once.
I know that it's not easy to be amother, but being a mother can give your life a different taste.
Allah kareem sis.
wenty el9ajja it's a WAR itself,hehehe ;p Allah y3afeech teslimeen.
Welcome Eshda3wa and come again =D
Heeeey El7lwa!!! Where've you been? esh'hal'3aiba el6weelah hathy?
hahaha, ee 9u7 cute. teslimeen 7abebty.
Allah ye3afeech sweetie welcome back and come again & again don't disappear again =D
eheheh yeah he is cute, he looks like an innocent one but actually he's not ;p
thank you Swarry 7abebty for your lovely comment.
Welcome to my blog and come again & again & again =D
I don't blame you sis for this; I've just realized why do you hate babies at this age ;p
Ooh Sever, come on! Don't say that. Sometimes BOYS are better and more compassionate than GIRLS.
Yeah poor me! But at the same time, I'm experiencing a new role in my life as an aunt, you know. He's not my first nephew; I have 2 others but he is the one who I took care of him.
Thank you sweet sis =]
7alailaah :) allah ykhalee lekom enshalla
solo so2al fanni plz... how do you make music chethi play in your blog (I know it's not magic yalla goleeli) ;P
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teslam o ye5alleek rabby =]
hehe, yes it is. Haven't you heard about SOLO the magician? ay David ay ba6ee5 ;p
No seriously, inshallah I'll email you the code b3d shtaby =D
loool madry shfeeny badliyaty 3ala 2afa mn yesheel ;p
يحليله الله يخليه ان شا الله زوقه
But one day your gonna look back on this and remember it and love it and miss it and wonder where these days went....
تو ما تبارك البلوج
الله يخليج تسلمين حبيبتي والله فرحتني وايد زيارتج هاذي :)
::Diamond Ray::
Oh yeah, you're right; definitely I'm ganna miss them.. and I'm ganna miss being a baby sitter ;p
thanks for the comment and come again :)
ياقلبي اينين يسليم قلبه ... حرام عليج خليتيني وانا اقرا قلت شالوحش بس طلع زوقه اينين الله اخليه لكم انشاء الله ... باااي solo
هههههههههه الا اهو الوحش بنفسه ههههه
ينني الخايس
أول زياره لبلوققي (بالنيو لووك)راح أسجلها بالتاريخ
عيييييديييها عااااد مو تختفين
يالمجرمه شوفي البرائه الي بعيونه ياقلبي اينين ...بعيدها ليما اتملين مني
ماشااااء الله عليه
من الامور ده؟
هههه يا ما تحت السواهي دواهي :)
لا ما عاش من يمل منج انتي عزيزه وغاليه وحياج الله بأي وقت... المكان لج أوسع من العين حبيبتي
::أكتب بالرصاص::
أهلا وسهلا ببلوققي المتواضع
ده ابن أختي اسمالله عليه
إبأه زرني مرة تنية ماشي .. انت تشرف بأي وقت أخ (أكتب بالرصاص)
هذا الايميل جاءني من احد الاصدقاء علي لسان شخص كان يعمل مع شقيق الشمطاء منير ثابت احد افراد العصابة اللامباركية.
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