If Our Streets Could Talk!
Yes, I mean it. If our streets could talk, they would not remain silent and do nothing to what happens to them every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday. If our streets had tongues, they would complain about those careless and irresponsible people who do not care about the cleanliness.
A lot of litters that you see on the streets are because of such kind of people. Sometimes if not usually, you see some people throw tissues or empty cans out of their windows while driving their cars. As we all know that there is at least one pocket next to each seat of every car or behind the in front seats that you can use as a dustbin. So, why do they insist to throw their waste on the streets instead of throwing them in their cars? Maybe because their cars are new and expensive, so they do not want to dirty them. Ok, if you really care about your new car, it will not coast you an arm and a leg if you bought a small plastic or paper bag, put it in your car, and throw your waste in it. This way will help to keep our streets clean and we will not have to bring foreign workers to clean our streets for us.
Some smokers do not put out their cigarettes in the ashtrays of their cars. They throw their cigarettes out of their windows instead. Don't they know that it is dangerous not for them but for the people who drive their cars behind them? By throwing their cigarettes through their windows, the cars behind them may accidentally catch fire because of the spark of their cigarettes. If you really care about other's lives and yours too, avoid throwing your cigarettes this way. It will be safer for you and people who drive their cars behind you if you put them out in the right place.
An other thing that damages our streets is water. When it rains heavily in winter, drains are clogged, water covers some of the streets, and the smell of sewage is everywhere. Who is responsible for this? I believe that the Ministry of Public Works is the responsible. So, what are they waiting for y3nyt? Maybe for next winter! If everything remains as it is, we will have floods and that will make the streets worse than before.

Other people spit on the streets especially in Ramadan. It is really disgusting when you see a driver in front of you opens his door or window and blows his nose or spits on the ground and close his door again. Don't they have tissues in their pockets? Supermarkets are full of tissue boxes and they are very cheap if they know that! I wonder why do these people do this? What will happen if our government put strict rules for such actions? Will people respect these rules and stop acting like that? Will they follow them? I don't think so.