What do you know about friendship? What does it mean to you? Is it just a normal relationship among people? Or it's more than that? Do you wait for a reward from your friends? Or it doesn't make any difference to you? Why do you have friends? Do you really need them? Are they very important in your life? Who is your best friend? Or who really deserve to be your best friend? Is it very easy to find a real friend who respects and appreciates friendship nowadays? How do you choose your friends? Is it for their personalities? Or for the way they look? Or for what they own (luxurious cars, brand bags or accessories)? Or for their success? Or for their popularity?

Friendship is a wonderful relationship between two people or more that full of respect ,honesty ,and appreciation. It's not limited and it's never ended .. UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO END IT.
Friends are very important in our lives specially when you feel that you need someone to talk to, solve your problems if you have , advise you and warn you if you did mistakes.
The best rewarding from your friends is to see them satisfied when you help them, the best rewarding is to care about you like you care about them, find them when you need them like they find you when they need you .... etc. For me I don't wait for a reward from my friends, I don't want anything from them but to treat me like I treat them, I just want them as friends .. this is the kind of rewarding that I wanted from my friends and nearest people for all of these years ... Nothing more than that .. "Lilasaf" they get what they want from me but don't give me what I need when I seek their help .. This is my suffering. Although I know that i don't get as much as I give them, I still help them and be existed when they need me .. I have to do that cause they are my friends and you don't know how much I appreciate friendship, it is important for me more than anything else.
when you ask your friends for something and you really need their help, do they try to help you get what you want? Do they listen to your problems carefully and find the best solutions to them?
If yes then you're lucky (Allah la ye'3ayer 3alaikom).
"Friend in need, is a friend indeed".. *suhhhh* it doesn't fit all my friends, I help them doing their homework, assignments and projects, explaining them what is unclear even registration but all what I did became MIRAGE .. I'm not counting what I did for them ,but how could they forget that I was one day their friend or even more than a friend. I was their nearest person as they said!! Or they're misusing me during lectures!!
I'm really confused .. believe me .. it's really hard to find a real friend nowadays who really appreciates friendship.
I have a friend who I know since the first year of my college. Ya3ny I know her for 3 years and now she doesn't talk to me anymore, do you know why? Because of a silly reason. Do you think that she is a real friend? OF COURSE NOT because any friend who really loves his/her friend accepts their mistakes and try to correct them their mistakes ... Not to leave and forget them.
She should forgive me if i'm really her friend or at least accept my excuse about forgetting her for one day.
I don't know what happened to me lately ,i forget a lot.
We used to meet each other at the end of our lectures. One day I forgot to call her to see each other .. THAT DAY WAS THE END OF THE WORLD FOR HER!! "eshda3wah" nothing happened to leave me and refuse to talk to me.
I talked to her once and I've noticed that she doesn't talk to me normally. I tried to smile and ask her as usual "how are you?" but it didn't work .. I did it again & again, but nothing changed ,so I left her behind because she doesn't deserve to be my friend .. If she doesn't accept my excuses ,then who will ??
This is really ridiculous ... COOOME OOOON PEOPLE "GROW UP" .. We're not children or teenagers. We're big enough and mature enough to solve our misunderstandings, and we're above such behaviors.
I'm sooo sorry for my long post ,but this is the only way to express my suffering. Because I cannot repress it anymore.
Forgive me and thank you for reading it till the end.
ترى مضربه عن البلوقات الانجليزيه الا بلوقج لأن انجليزيه سهل وحلو
افهمه مثل الافلام اللي مو مترجمه
وعلى ايدج ان شا الله اصير بلبل
:) <<< عقب ما شاب ودووه الكتاب
تصدقين ..على كلامج انا ما عندي ربع كلش
صديق حقيقي
ياخذ اللي بخاطري
ويسأل عني
عندي صديق واحد
لكن هم مو لي هالدرجه
وناس ما يدرون انا عايشه ولا ميته
وبطبعي ما احب اتصل على الناس اذا بخاطري شي
اطر منهم يسمعوني
..اللي اهوه الصديق اللي قلت لج عنه مساع
ممكن اقوله اللي بخاطري ..شوفي ممكن
لكن يعطيني محاظره اطول من شكوتي
وده يساعدني لكن اسلوبه غلط
ذاك اليوم والله نمت من محاظرته
ادري خايف علي
وعلى مستقبلي لكن ابي اتحجى انا
مو انت
روحي قوليله واللي يسلمج
قوليله اذا شكت عتيجه اسكت لا اتحجى ما تبي نصايحك لأنها تعرف الحل وجدام عينها بعد
ام نبيل احبها تكون يمي
وبما انها اختي يعني الحمد الله صديقتي
لكن ..انا مقرره من زمان اني احب روحي وما انطر اي حب من اي احد
حبي روحج يا وخيتي
واشتغلي بروحج
لأن محد يفهمج كثر منظرتج
هلا بعتوجه الغاليه .. تسلمينلي والله هاذا من ذوقج بس لا تفشليني ترى حتى انا مو ذاك الزود بالانجليزي يعني انجليزيتي على قدي ومنو يجاري البلوقات الثانيه ماشالله عليهم الي من صغره يعرف انجليزي واللي يدرس بره واللي بمدارس اجنبيه.. اما انا زين مني اذا كانت انجليزيتي جذي
وبالنسبه للصديق وانتي الصاجه المفروض الواحد يحب نفسه وماكو احد احسن من النفس بس ساعات لازم تحسين بحب الناس لج وبأهميتج اذا غيبتي يسألون عنج وتحسين ان مكانج فاضي .. وتدرين هم الأم أو الاخت ترى احسن الاصدقاء لانهم منج وفيج وتثقين فيهم بعد وتقدرين تقولين لهم كل الي بخاطرج من غير تردد (الام ستر وغطا لاسرار عيالها ولا شرايج؟)
مشكوره حبيبتي انج كلفتي نفسج وزرتي بلوققي هالفترة الاخيره ما قام احد يزورني مادري ليش .. الظاهر طاح سوقي..صح؟
ومشكورة عتوجه مرة ثانيه ^_^
ana awal shay agool ena hal blog lel amana momayaz wayed a7eb agrah bs maybe el fatra ely fatat madesh wayed o hatha atwaga3 bayan fe my blog asasan
fe3lan el ensan ye7yaj friends el om el ekhwan shay momayaz bs mahma kan hathela enta 6ala3t legaithom 7olek y3ny makan shay 9a3ab enek et9a7ebhom laken el 7elo enek enta telga a7ad o et9a7ba we9erlek ebmanzelat hathela mn el 7ob wel theqa ashoof hatha momayaz akthar
7elo enek et7eb nafsek wel a7la enek et7eb enas kether ma et7eb nafsek ra7 telga wagt'ha edenya sij ttghayar lel a7san thanks 3al hal post el 7elo solo :)
Hashemy .. thank you sooo for your honest wards that you said about my blog .. and that's really suavity of you..
3adel kalamik (7ib elnas et7ebik .. and treat them like you want to be treated).
Thanks again for passing by Hashemy it again.. ^_^
Lovely post..^___*
my best friend is
الله يخليها لي...:)
هلا كويتيه .. الله لا يغير عليكم انشالله ^_^
Solo-para-me, you are right. I also realised that best friends are the ones who hurt one most of the times, cause one would never expect such behaviour from them. I got really 'burnt' once, with a girl I considered 'my sister' and since then I do not encourage fiendshps anymore (I know this was not a wise thing to do, but I lost my confidence in people, generally speaking). Really, she pretended to be my friend for about 3 years, I shared with her everything I had and I was telling her everything that happened in my life (about work, universitary studies, my fiance, my family)... what I did not know was that she was telling those things to everybody I knew, and she was telling them some 'spicy' versions. Until one day a girl was kind enough to tell me that I cultivated a friendship that was not worthed. At first, it was as if something hit me really hard in the head, I could not even imagine that such a thing could be possible, but it was true. And when I had the final discussion with her she did not deny it, but she told me that this should be a lesson for me... And what a lesson it was!
All in all, I am sorry that you have had that unpleasant experience with your girlfriend, but, unfortunately, this seems to happen quite often nowadays.
والله انا مافهمت شى من البلوق الا كلمة فريند
بس يزاها الله خير عتيجة كتبت بالعربى وفهمتنى شسالفة
والى احب اقوله
سلام على الدنيا اذا لم يكن بها
صديق صدوق صادق الوعد منصفا
الموضوع حزين
الى ماعنده اصدقاء اوفياء يعيش بين الناس وحيد:(
::SARAH:: Ohhhh really!!! how dare her!!! she mustn't tell anyone about your secrets ... you've trusted her and see what did she do to you .. dear you don't deserve it ... and thank god that you left her behind coz she is not a real friend.. believe me i can feel your pain cos it's just like me..
At first, i thought that i'm the only one who realized that it's hard to find a person who you can talk to, feel confortable with her and trust her ... but NOW i most of us suffer from such feeling..
thank you sarah and come again :)
::kazmawy:: ...
mn 9egik !!!! 3ad my "E" mo sa3bah o hatha mostaway ... ma3arif E mithil other bloggers mashallah ..
YaaaaaSaaaaLaaaaM ;) 9a7 elsanik
o enta 9aj ye3eeesh alone...
thank you and come again ;)
اوكى دونت وورى اى ول كوم اقين
ثانكيو :)
اي والله الله يعافي عتيجه بس علشان تعرف اني مظبطتك بكل مكان
عاد يبين ؟؟
ههههه عتتتوج الله لا يحرمنا منج انشالله :)
HI again,,,
I think I know who is this girl!!!
I just want 2 say that u are a very good friend and I wish our friendship last 4 ever ...
I really love u :)
u will make me cry :(
So, forget about this girl because if u lost one u will have 1000,000 because you are sooo nice and im broud that u are my friend like so many girls with us in college who know u :*
"S" ....
Ohhh "S" i really don't know how to thank you about your sweet words .. i'm really proud of you too coz you me better than anyone and i really love you more than you love me ..
I really appreciate it and glad that you knew whose fault it was..
Thank you again you're such a perfect friend ;)
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