We spent the "National Day of Kuwait" in "Al-Subiah Desert" where we have our own camp. I and my sisters decided to go there in the morning to eat breakfast with my family who where there since the first day of this holiday and wanted stay till night. We woke up at 8:00, prepared our things and waited to my father to take us to the camp. He came late at 11:00, so we arrived there at 12:00 (SHINO HATHA !! ... It became lunch not breakfast) .. When I finished my breakfast, I went for a walk to the sea (it's not that far from our camp) and I saw something like an old bridge. I walked towards it, the view was beautiful. I took some pictures and returned back to the tent.
Here are the pictures

In the afternoon, we took the car and went to a place that full of trees, we found there a big lake and deserted house. The house was scary; someone told us that it's inhabited by ghosts (who knows). And do you know what was the scariest in that house? There was a hanged dog on top of the house. We didn't know if someone hanged it or it slid and hanged-up to death.. (I'm really sorry) I put the pictures of the dog and who is disgusted from looking at such pictures.. I recommend you not to see them.
These are the pictures of this house and the lake

When we headed back, we saw a fire from far away. A tent of one of the nearest camps was on fire. My uncle went to help them put the fire out till the firefighters come. After the tent turned into "ASH", they came.. FINALLY. There were no injuries and no one was burnt but the pillows and some stuff that were in the tent.
Here are the pictures of the burning tent

At night, there was "MASERAH" because of the "National Day of Kuwait". Everybody was out of tents, celebrating.. There who were singing songs .. Who were spraying foam on cars.. And who were holding Kuwait flags. Fireworks were everywhere that night.
It was really a wonderful day that full of events.
nice post ...
but where exactly is that lake ?
#TANTALIZE# it is existed there and seems i've heared that it's for "shyoo5"..
i'm glad that you liked them.. thanks a lot for passing by ;)
#bo_sale7# welcome to my blog..the lake is behind the house in "mazra3at kathma"..
thanks a lot you too for passing by ;)
Hi there! Thank you for encouraging me, you have been very kind ;) Your blog is really nice, I have read your previous posts, and the second one moved me deeply. It seems we have a blog winner, keep up the good work, I like the way you portray your ideas and views. And regarding your lates post, it was an eventful day indeed :) Eh, despite the fact that I tried to avoid seeing the picture of the poor dog, as you kindly warned the sensitive people, I have seen it... So much for my focusing on something :P. Keep up the good work, I will bookmark your blog, provided that you allow me to.
#SARAH# Hiii and welcome to my blog .. i'm glad you liked it .. thank you so much and i really appreciate it ... ohhh my cheeks turned red (*^_^*).
very nice trip lool
but the picture of the dog was realy >> ×_X
#نون النساء# welcome to my blog .. yeah it is .. POOR DOGGY :( THANK YOU FOR PASSING BY AND DO IT AGAIN ;)
شفيك وقفتي؟
انا ما وقفت ولا راح اوقف عن الكتابه بس انشغلت اشوي بالجامعة... وشكرا على متابعة بلوجي ;)
Nice pics.;>
Specially the Lake, I like it..;>
Thanks...OO n shallah doom mestansa.....;>
welcome back Q8ya .. and i'm glad you liked the photos ;)
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Hello. Good day
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I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton
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