Confusing Questions That Come to My Mind
Confusing Questions That Come to My Mind
::1:: Can computers be more intelligent than human ?

::2:: What can/can't the computer answer ?
::3:: Can computers think instead of our minds ?
::4:: Why do we sleep at night and work during the day ?
::5:: Do you believe in love at the first site ?
::6:: Do you think we should love on day ?
::7:: Do you think we can live without love ?
::8:: Can you tell me what does love mean exactly ?
::9:: How do you think a deaf person understands the concept of "rhyme" and "alliteration" ?
::10:: what comes after the end ?
::11:: Why do people die ?
::12:: When did time begin ?
::13:: Do you eat to live or you live to eat ?
::14:: Why is the sky blue ?
::15:: Will I get killed by my husband for asking him "Where do you want to go today?" ?
::16:: What is more powerful .. love or hate ?
::17:: What's the most important thing of somebody's character ?
::18:: How do you judge people ?
::19:: What happens when you cross your eyes ? ;p

::20:: Do ghosts exist everywhere we go ?
::21:: What kinds of things are you most afraid of ?
::22:: If anger had a color, what would it be ?
::23:: Is there life after death ?
::24:: What are you thinking about at this moment ?
::25:: Are you alive person or dead ?
::26:: Why do people feel jealous ?
::27:: How many children you have or you want to have ?
::28:: Do you prefer having a baby girl or a baby boy as a first child ?
::29:: What can you tell me interesting about you and your childhood ?
::30:: What is the meaning of life ?
::31:: When you sneeze do you close your eyes ? And is it true sneezing stops your heart for a split-second and that's why people say "Bless You".. ?
::32:: Are the dreams we see our imagination, or is our reality a dream ?
::33:: If it's so great having money, why do we spend it ?
::34:: Have you ever been injured ? When ? and why ?
::35:: What was the last thing that made you laugh ?
::36:: What is the definition of "Om elsa3af we elleef" and "7marat elgaylah" ?
::37:: Who is controlling you .. your heart or your mind ?
::38:: What came first .. the chicken or the egg ?
::39:: What can change the nature of a man ?
::40:: Why do human love life although it has so many difficulties ?
::41:: Does love always hurt at the end, or not ? If yes .. give some reasons from past experience.
::42:: Do you consider an over-kind person as stupid, weak and doesn't have personality?

::43:: Do you believe in life after death ?
::44:: Is your memory letting you down ?
::45:: When was the last time you cried ?
::46:: :) what is that a picture of ?
::47:: Why does everyone hates everyone else ?
::48:: Are women more emotional than men ? Why can't be vise versa ?
::49:: Do you find life beautiful ?
::50:: Why do human get nervous ?
What are the answers for all of these questions??
::1:: No
::2:: Computers cant explain "why" they can only explain "what" and "how".
::3:: No
::4:: Biological clocks
::5:: No, but crushes sure.
::6:: Maybe...
::7:: Yes but not for long.
::8:: I don't think there's an "exact" meaning.
::9:: In the same way that blind people understand "Red" and "Blue".
::10:: The credits? :P
::11:: To control the population?
::12:: Time is a relative measurement that has no boundaries.
::13:: Eat to live, why else would I be eating? :P
::14:: The shortest wavelength that refracts through the atmosphere is blue.
::15:: Depends on his temper.
::16:: I'll say hate because it may involve nuclear war heads :P
::17:: Wisdom
::18:: Knowledge, and attitude.
::19:: You.. get cross-eyed?
::20:: I wouldn't know.
::21:: Shame.
::22:: Grey.
::23:: Well nobody confirmed it but.. :P
::24:: "Still not halfway through this.."
::25:: Alive
::26:: It's natural to want to feel special.
::27:: To early to know.
::28:: I have no preference.
::29:: Umm.. I don't recall anything interesting
::30:: I wish I knew.
::31:: Does it really matter?
::32:: Dreams are the brain's way of organizing memories and though.
::33:: Because you need more than just paper.
::34:: Ofcourse, all the time, because we can be clumsy.
::35:: A movie on TV.
::36:: Scary women who kidnapped children if they were naughty.
::37:: I thought I was controlling, but I guess it's my mind :P
::38:: They were their simultaneously
::39:: Implants? @_@;
::40:: They don't have many options do they? :/
::41:: Not always.
::42:: Didn't I just answer this question? x_X
::43:: Not exactly "life" but yea..
::44:: I believe it is.
::45:: I don't remember. A very long time ago.
::46:: A smilie?
::47:: Why do you assume that? :/
::48:: Men and women are the same but women show it more.
::49:: At some points yes.
::50:: It's part of their instincts I guess.
#3baid# loool seemed you got bored from my questions.. I'm sorry, you know what .. i wrote about 100 question but the post got too long ;)
Mashallah're wright you got me with the repeated question .. you're really amazing.
Thank you for your patience ^_^
::1::Yes, sometimes.
::2::Any question in your mind /how do we feel or like.
::4::I don`t know but i think Because the night is longer than the day in time :))
::5::Yes, I do.
::7::Yes, we can if we did not try it ones time.
::8::The power.
::9::I don`t know.
::10::The new begining.
::11::To let other people live.
::12::When we born.
::13::Eat to live.
::14::Google it.
::15::In this days I don’t think so.
::16::Hate to feel power in love.
::17::The way he/she speaks.
::18::Frome her/his eye site.
::19::I feel dizzy.
::20::I think so.
::21::The marriage.
::22::Red,Because it makes you want to kill somebody.
::24::About My work :)))
::25::What do you think!!!!
::26::Because they don't have an confidence.
::27::6 like my family .
::28::A girl like my of course.:)))
::29::I like care about the animals special hens, birds and turkeys :)))
::30::Life the reason of humen existence.
::31::Yes, This is the first time i heard that.!!!!
::32::I think dreams are desires can't be true.
::33::I don't know.
::34::No,I haven't (الحمدالله).
::35::When my slipper broked in Starbucks last wednesday.:)))))
::36::It just a legend of past.
::37::My mind.
::38::Ask your mother.:))))
::40::Because this is the reality that he has to live in.
::41::I don't know Because I didn't try it before.
::45::Last Thursday when I talked to my grand mother in America.
::47::Because this is the humen nature.
::48::Yes, Because the women think in her heart and the man think in his mind.
::49::Not all the time.
::50::What do you think/feel when u meet some one stupid???
It's alright :)
اول شي ارحب فيج معانا وارحب بنفسي في بلوجج وماشاءالله قو اهيد موفقة هذي اجوبتي:
1.Nooooooo Never, cause if it’s the human at self didn’t invent it hahaha.
2.Can & can't answer every thing I want.
3.Nooo, never instead but it can think beside the human minds.
4.Because of el-sa3a el-bayalojeya elly bme`7na we sleep at night & work during the day.
5.Yes, I believe it.
6.Yes, one time it will come (only the truth love).
7.No, if it be so there is no peace in the whole world.
8.There is no meaning of it only it’s a nice feeling.
9.Madry, I’ll tell u when I’ll meet one.
10.The result of what u did.
11.Cause kel shay o lah nehaya.
12.For me the time begins when I open my eyes to s@@ the things around me.
13.Laish shemsaween ebdenyatna akeed eat to live 3ayal a3eesh 3ashan akel nooo excuse me I'm in a diet ;p .
14.`7elqat rabech ba3ad shenoo el wa7ed ma yegder yafty laken, bs agoolech shay in my opinion 3ashan bennahar kel shay wa`9e7 o yewa9el ashe3at elshams lena ? .
15.laaa abadan bs ta`7theeen kaff ye3adel ur face ba3ad feech `7air tes2eleen?? Tegoom elqeyama (3aqleyyat rejalna elmo7tarameen).
16.Hate, cause etha fee 7ob tetwaqa3ain el3alam chethee!! Ohoo ako love bs el hate more powerful.
17.From his/ her look, a3arf etha kan open-minded or not.
18.Min a3amalhom o ta9arrofathom o kelamhom.
19.hehehe @@ ashooof elnasssss double like this XX.
20.hahaha sure honey & u can feel it when u look at ur back when u walk in the dark.
21.El-`6almaaaaaaaaaa oooooooooooow.
22.blaaaaaaaaaaack cause when u anger u don't s^^ any thing.
23.Yes, very sure there is either PARADISE or HILL and you can choose what do you want from now.
24.Olllla bagy questions wayed ;p meta `7alle9.
25.Alive person but some limes dead specially after working hard all the day.
26.Hohooo yessssssssss because ma3endohom elly 3end `3airhom (especially all wifes & husbands jealous of each others).
27.I want to have 6 children 3 girls and 3 boys & (chenny basaweehom fareeq la3been kora.. momken ana o obohom 7okkam ;p ).
28.Elly comes from ALLAH 7ayah ALLAH but I prefer baby boy cause most of men like that so I like what my husband like (*^_^*).
29.when I was in school (2 ebteda2y), 6ala3t belhadda I saw my fathers car, I opened the door it's not opend, I tried many times still not open 1, 2, 3, 4, mako fayda :( 6aggait eljam kassarta o ana mo mentabha 3al elsha`79 elly in the car chan ye6la3ly wa7ed mn el-car o yezefny. hehe 6ala3 not dady or his car. OBSssssss
30.(el-7ayat 7elwa lelly yefhamha allaaaa `7osh e`3neya) it's very good when we want to see every thing good & nice.
31.yes I close my eyes when I sneeze - yes it's true, I heard this before.
32.Ohwa`7ayal o waqe3 bnafse elwagt why? le2anna Na7lem b2shya2 9arat lena o sa3at ye9er from el-3aqel el-ba6en.
33.Cause `3ayatna la todrak o kelshay naby o na9refa also 3ashan neshtery feehom what ever we want.
34.Yes, alooooot, especially jar7 el-sho3ooooor wel a7asees.
35.ga6ait badleya kebeeeeera jeddam el-people 3end el-kashair (*'~'*) tadreeeen sheno el-badlia?! agooolech { ham chatha = cham hatha = how much is this} FeSHeeeeeeLA "~"
36.Hathool en`7arre3 fehom el children methel ma kano ahalna ye`7ar3onna o agoolech shay e7na n`7arre3 el children 3endena negollohom (yakom el-3awafy) ya3ny el3afya bs 3yalna ma`7areesh ya`7afoon mn hal kelma ma3a enhom ye3arfom sheno ya3nee bs 3ad sheegool el-1.
37.Ofcourse my heart.
38.It’s series thing o may`7alle9 yetwarethon ba3a`6 (there is no beginning or end).
39.No3omat el women o dala3ha.
40.To have challenge with the life & solving problems.
41.Sorry, I have no experience.
42.No, I like this kind of people cause they telling the truth always (3ala neyathom).
43.Yes, it’s written in QURA'AN.
44.Every time & moment :) a9lan sa3at ye9eerly `3aseel mo`7 hehe.
45.Last night.
46.It’s a simple of a happy face smile [ ? = :) ].
47.el7asad a3ootho bellah menna.
48.yes, the women more emotional than men cause wallah molayeg 7lat el-women emotional o el-men 7lata 7emeshshshshshshshsh.’s beautiful just when I want but in fact it’s always beautiful.
50.because some thing happened they don’t like it at the moment which change their mode from very cool to very nervous (ye3ny yengelb el human Asad).
#El7lwa# hi and welcome to my blog .. it's really nice to feel the since of hummer through you answers .. you seemed funny .. thank you for passing by ;)
awal mara adesh ur blog legaita momayaz fe3lan ma3ana new bs 7elo , welcome 2 club 3ala golat'hom yestahal el wa7ed esawela add thanks ana awafeg okhooy 3baid fe aghlab lejabaaat
thanks 3al post el 7elo welblog el a7la :)
#Sokkarah#....loooool ejabat man6eqeya .. ya enty ya failasooofa ;)
looool eshloon ma entibahty enha mo sayarat oboooch .. it's really interesting to know about you .. thank you for participation and do it again :)
#Hashemy# teslam maqasart wallah .. enzain leeeeesh ma jawabt .. a5af sheft elasela wayed o malek 5elg!! hatha wana sha6ba ba3a'9hom .. anyhow thank you and that's really nice of you .. see your comments in other posts enshallah ;)
1-ما فرزنت السؤال
2- المشاعر
3- لأ
4- لأن الله سبحانه قال وجعلنا الليل لباسا وجعلنا النهار معاشا
5- لأ بلمره
6- اي
7- لأ
8- اممممم الحب هو ان تعطي ولا تنتظر مقابل
9- ما فهمت
10- الجنه او النار
11- تقصدين رجيم؟ ولا الموت اهم الاثنينه موت ..شنو يعني لمتان مالهم رب
12- بعد صلاة الفير او قبلها
14- علشان نطالعها
15- ودي اروح اصلي اليمعه بمسيد فاطمه
16- ما فهمت
17- هم ما فهمت
18- :(
19- شعور صعب
20- مادري والله
21- الله سبحانه وتعالي
22- اممممممم مادري
23- اي
24- بحبي
25- لا عايشه
26- مساكيين والله
27- سبعه
28- بناااااااااااات
29- صومتحركا و اللعب الحركي الطمباخيه مثلا
30- الحياة = الحياة
31=- ما فهمت زين بس يصيرلي هالشي وايد
32- دريماتي غير شكل والله
33- اشتري كامرات ...اتصدق...اصلح الخرير اللي اببيتنا ...اصلح الخفسه اللي بسيارتي ...بس
34-ما فهمت
35- وايد شغلات والله ماتحضرني
36- ههههههه خوش شي ام السعف والليف لنخله ..وحمارة القايله ..يقولون قبل مره تطلع بالقايله ويها حمار وجسمها مره وما اعرف ابش علشان يخرعونا يخافون علينا من ضربة الشمس
37- الاثنين بس هقوتي ماي مايند اكثر
38- ذا جيكن لأن معاي كلسترولي مو شي هليام فالبيض مو شي...عموما اللي يا قبل الديج مو البيضه
39- وااااااااي اغير عنجهيته
40- فلسفه ماليش فيها
41- ما فهمت زين
42- هم ما فهمت
43- اكيد وهذا من عقيدتي الاسلاميه
44- يعني على حسب
45- بالمزرعه
46- علامة استفهام!!!!!!!!
47- ؟؟؟
48- اي اكيد ..
49- اي حمدالله
50- دلع
شدراني ؟؟؟:)
ترى يتني النومه وبقوم اصلي الفير
#عتيجه# حياج الله ببلوجي ونورتيه بتعليقج .. ههههه شكلج مليتي من كثر الأسئله الله يهداج جان بديتي فيه أبجر شوي عشان يمديج تجاوبين على ال50 سؤال قبل لا تييج النومه ..مشكوووووره وايد حبيبتي على مشاركتج وأتمنى تعودينها مره ثانيه ^_^
مشكووووورين كلكم على سعة صدركم وصبركم على اجابة كل اسئلتي .. واتمنى ما تقاطعوني ومشكورين مره ثانيه :)
law emsawetah TAG a7san ;P
What kinds of things are you most afraid of ?
I'm afraid of being fat fat fat :(
ur questions 7elween wayeed ^___*
keep on sis..;>
Hey #q8ya#.. hmhmhmhm nice choice that's a good Ques ;)
if they are 7elween, then WHY didn't you answer them ... or you thought that they are toooooooooo long to answer hahaha ? ... i'm really sorry to put such a long post .. anyhow thank you 7bebty for passing by and do it again & again & again & again ... ?
I love again & again & again heheheheh ,I heard that before but where i don't remmeber ?!! mmmmm
okik I will answer it but I'd like to make it TAG ok??
or maybe 4 Tags hehehhe coz it has a lot of questions
#Q8ya# Deal .. do whatever you want 7abebty .. bs aham shay etjawbeen ?
1- sure.. it is now !!!
2- nothing I guss!!
3-in some isues !!
4- because we feel sleep at night, and a wake during the day !!
5-No !!
6- sure ,, its wonderful to know that there is some one in the world just 4 u and u love him like no body else .. life is better with "love" !!
7- Before maybe but after the person fall in love he wont !!
8- every thing in the other partner!!
10- another bigening !!
11- this is life !!
12- when they envent the watch :)!!
13- both:) !!
14- because it is best color 4 the sky !!
15- NO !! but u will if u ask him how are u :) !!
16- love ..
17- atractive maybe !!
18- By their act !!
19- I dont know and I dont want 2 know !!
20- YAAH !! especially where u set right know :) !!
21- animals , bugs , ghosts, scary movies, ....ect :)
22- BLACK I guss !!
23- yes !!
24- u :)
25- ask my family :)
26 - because they cant acheive what other pepole acheive !!
27- my husbend want 12 only :) !!
28- a twins,, agirl 2 me and aboy 2my husbend :)
29- always crying,, until know :)
30- breathing :) !!
31- I close every thing :)..i will ask a doctor plz wait:) !!
32- both!!
33- 2 have more money !!
34- never "thanx god" !!
35- your questions :)
36- can i ask a friend ??!! :)
37- HEART 4 sure !!
38- Im not a chicken ,, im not an egg so go 2 a farm and ask :) !!
39- experiances !!
40- because he dont know how is the life next !!
41- I dont think so !!
42- no ,, because world need like this person these days !!
43- yes but in another shape !!
44- no .. maybe after 50 years it will :) !!
45- yesturday from amovie :) !!
46- smile :)!!
47- they dont !!??
48- women 4 sure ..i dont know !!
49- yes :)
50- from the trafic :)
thanx 4 these questions ,, I really had fun answering them :)
yours,, "S"
Dear "S" thank you for your answers they're really nice and 3ajeebah loool especially #38 nice one ;)
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